Privacy Policy

Article 1. General Provisions

HumanWorks Co., Ltd. (henceforth the Company), takes your personal information very seriously and is in full compliance with the ACT ON PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION, ETC.

GameN is the game brand owned and managed by the Company, and all the rights to the contents serviced by GameN belongs to the Company.

Through this Privacy Policy, the Company hereby discloses how and for which purpose the personal information you provided is being used, and what measures are taken to protect the privacy information.

The Privacy Policy of the Company may change from time to time in accordance with the change with relevant laws and government regulations, as well as the change in the Company’s policies. In case of amendment in the Privacy Policy, the Company will disclose such change through the Company’s website.

The personal information used in this Privacy Policy signifies “private information of a living individual, including but not limited to, an individual’s name and citizen ID number, that allows identification of the individual (even though a specific individual cannot be identified with the provided number, it’s the information, if combined with other information, can facilitate identification of an individual).

The Company’s Privacy Policy contains the following provisions.

Agreement to Collect Personal Information

Personal Information Collected and Method of Collection, as well as Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

Provisioning of the Personal Information to a 3rd Party

Handling of Collected Personal Information

Storage and Usage Period of the Personal Information

Personal Information Destruction Method and Procedure

Rights of the User and Legal Representative and Method of Exercising the Rights

Installation and Management of Auto Data Collection System, and Refusal of the System

Technical and Managerial Measures for Protection of Personal Information

* Personal Information Management Officer

1. Agreement to Collect Personal Information

The Company requires your agreement to collect Personal Information. Regarding the collection of the user’s Personal Information, the Company has included the Privacy Policy and agreement to allow the company to collect Personal Information in its User Agreement, and if the user agrees to the User Agreement, it also signifies the agreement to allow the Company to collect Personal Information.

2. Personal Information Collected and Method of Collection, as well as Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

The Company collects only the essential Personal Information required to register, consult, and to provide service.

The essential information collected are Name, DOB, Gender, ID (email address), PW (encrypted), Mobile Phone Number, Individual Identification Data (CI, DI), and Authentication SNS ID (Facebook, etc.).

The Company may also request additional Personal Information for the purposes of survey, group statistical analysis for event, or to send event item.

If possible, the Company will not collect sensitive information (Race, Ethnicity, Belief, Religion, Native Region, Political Inclination, Criminal History, Health Status, Sexual Preference, etc.) that may violate individual’s basic human rights. However, if collection of such information is unavoidable, the Company shall receive prior agreement from the user. The information collected shall not be used for any purposes other than for the purposes previously disclosed. The Company may also directly/indirectly collect login log, cookies, and usage generated data while using the service for marketing and promotional purposes.

The Company collects and uses Personal Information to verify user and provide service. The collected data will be used to provide optimum service tailored to the user and to facilitate trouble free usage of the service.

Details of the information collected and its usage are as follows.

  1. 1) GameN Member: Name, DOB, Gender, ID (email address), Nickname, PW, Individual Verification Document (to verify individual for membership service), Individual ID, and Individual Authentication through Credit Evaluation Entity
  2. * Usage: To verify individual, to prohibit improper or unauthorized user, and prevent double registration.

  3. 2) Minor below 14 Years Old: Name, DOB, Gender, ID (email address), Nickname, PW, Authentication Legal Guardian’s Name, Verification of Legal Guardian (document to verify individual for membership service, Individual ID, and Individual Authentication through Credit Evaluation Entity)
  4. * Usage: Legal guardian’s approval if collection of personal information of a minor below the age 14 is required, and to verify the legal guardian, if necessary, at a later date.

  5. 3) SNS Membership (Facebook, etc.): Authentical SNS, Email, Nickname, Name

  6. 4) SNS Self Authentication Membership: Authentical SNS, Email, Nickname, Name, Phone Number, DOB, Gender, Individual Identification Data (DI, CI), Shipping Address

  7. 5) Essential/Optional Items
  8. * Email Address, Mobile Phone Number: Relate notification and establish communication channel for customer service inquiries, send notice on new service and event, and for accurate shipping address is required for shipping goods.
  9. * Recipient Name, Address, Phone Number: To verify shipping address for sending product and prize.
  10. * Bank Account Number, Mobile Phone Number: For Payment Service
  11. * Miscellaneous: Data required to provide individual tailored service
  12. * Generated Data: Generated data may be collected for statistical analysis to improve website and security, to provide service and advertisement based on demographics, to obtain usage frequency, prohibit usage by unauthorized user, and to facilitate communication between user and the website.(Service usage log, connection log, cookies, and IP data)

3. Provisioning of Personal Information to a 3rd Party

The Company, under no circumstances, will use the Personal Information collected for purposes other than the purpose disclosed in “Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information” or disclose the information to a 3rd party.

In case of providing user’s Personal Information to a 3rd party, the Company will disclose the party receiving the data, the usage of shared data, details of Personal Information that is shared, and how long the 3rd party will possess and use the data in the Company’s website, or inform the user individually in writing, telephone call, or email to obtain permission. However, exception shall be made in case of the following reasons.

  1. * If the user has made prior agreement for such a disclosure.
  2. * In case the information shared is for purpose of creating statistics, academic research, or for market research, and data is modified so that identification of an individual is not possible.
  3. * In case the information is requested by government agency in accordance with the law or for lawful investigation purpose.
  4. * In case the information is required for settlement of payment for provisioning of miscellaneous service.

The Company will make best efforts to ensure that the Personal Information is not disclosed for purposes other than the intended collection and usage purpose.

4. Storage and Usage Period of the Personal Information

The Company will keep the Personal Information of an individual for as long as the individual continues to receive the service provided by the Company.

If the owner of the Personal Information withdraws the permission to collect Personal Information, or if the purpose of collecting the Personal Information is achieved, or if the period disclosed at the time of collecting Personal Information has expired, the Company shall destroy the Personal Information without delay. However, the Personal Information may not be destroyed if a law obligates the Company to maintain the Personal Information.

The purpose of collecting the Personal Information is deemed to be satisfied in case of the following.

  1. * Membership Registration Information: If the user withdraws membership or is removed from the membership.
  2. * Payment Information: If the payment is made in full or if the debt obligation period has expired.
  3. * Shipping Address: Upon delivery of the goods and/or service.
  4. * If information is collected for specific period and purpose such as survey or event: Upon termination of the corresponding survey or event.
  5. * Individual Verification Information: Upon verification of the individual.

The following information will be kept for specified period for reasons specified below.

To prevent confusion in usage of the service, prevent abuse of rights, infringement to individual’s reputation and rights, and also for the purpose of cooperation with legal authorities, the collected Personal Information may be stored for up to 90 days after you withdraw your membership or your membership is revoked, as set forth in the User Agreement.

In case of submission of your individual verification theft for the purpose of identifying yourself in case of identity theft or other dispute, such data is destroyed immediately after verification.

In case information need to be preserved in accordance with the commercial laws, or by the provision of other laws and regulations pertaining to consumer protection during electronic commerce, the Company shall maintain the collected information for the period set forth by such laws and regulations.

  1. * Personal Information Pertaining to Display/Advertisement: 6 Months
  2. * Personal Information Pertaining to Agreement or Refund: 5 Years
  3. * Personal Information Pertaining to Payment & Money Remittance: 5 Years
  4. * Personal Information Pertaining to Consumer Complaint or Dispute: 3 Years

5. Personal Information Destruction Method and Procedure

The Company destroys all Personal Information immediately upon completion of usage purpose. Data destruction method and procedure is as follows.

In addition, the individual may request destruction of Personal Information at any time in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Personal Information deletion request can be made by withdrawing your membership or by email (

Data destruction method and procedure is as follows.

  1. * Destruction Method
  2. - The Personal Information entered to join the membership will be stored even after the completion of its usage purpose, for a period in accordance with the Company’s policy and relevant laws and regulations (refer to the Storage and Usage Period of the Personal Information), and then destroyed. The stored Personal Information will not be used for any purpose except for being stored in accordance with laws and regulations.
  3. * Destruction Method
  4. - Personal Information printed on paper is either shredded via paper shredder or burned.
  5. - Personal Information stored in electronic data is irrevocably deleted with technology that makes the data unrecoverable.
6. Rights of the User and Legal Representative and Method of Exercising the Rights

In case of collecting Personal Information of a minor below 14 years of age, the Company must obtain the agreement from the legal guardian. The legal guardian must enter real name and identification data at the time of membership registration and agree to the collection of Personal Information, and collected legal guardian’s Name, Phone Number, and relevant data is used only for the verification of the legal guardian. This information is stored until the minor member withdraws the membership.

The minor user and the legal guardian can request to view, edit, or withdraw permission (withdraw membership) of the collection and usage of self and minor’s Personal Information.

In case a user would like to view or edit Personal Information, the member must login and go to member’s Profile. In case of withdrawing the permission of the collection and usage of Personal Information, the user must login and go to Menu -> Edit Profile screen and select Cancel Membership to view or edit Personal Information or withdraw membership. If you forgot your password, you can obtain a temporary password from Find ID/PW menu.

Or you can contact the Privacy Policy Manager in writing, telephone call, or by email, and we will provide you with necessary support without delay.

If a user requests for correction in Personal Information, then the user’s Personal Information will not be used until the correction is complete. If incorrect Personal Information is provided to a 3rd party, then the Company will immediately notify the 3rd Party of the corrected data so that their information can be corrected.

The Personal Information that has been destroyed or deleted as a result of the user or user’s legal guardian’s request, the Company the data will be processed in accordance with the “Storage and Usage Period of the Personal Information” policy of the Company, and will take measures so that the Personal Information cannot be viewed or used for any other purposes.

7. Installation and Management of Auto Data Collection System, and Refusal of the System

The Company uses an automated data collection system that frequently saves user’s data and searches user’s cookie. Cookie is a small text file sent to user’s browser from the Company’s server for purpose of operating the Company’s website. This small text file is saved in the user’s hard disk drive. Cookie identifies the user’s computer but it does not identifies the user. The Company uses the cookie for the following purpose.

* Usage of Cookie

Analyze member and none member login time and frequency. Track user’s preference, interests, and activities. Check the number of times event was participated, and event page visited. Such data is used to provide targeted marketing and tailored services.

User has the authority to allow installation of cookie. Accordingly, the user can set web browser option to allow all cookies, or verify each time cookie is saved, or refuse all cookies.

However, if cookie is refused, it may be difficult to provide the Company’s services.

8. Technical and Managerial Measures for Protection of Personal Information

The Company has established the following measures to prevent loss, theft, unintended disclosure, modification, or damage of its member’s Personal Information.

A member’s Personal Information is password protected. As a result, a member should not share the password with anyone. The password is systematically encrypted, which means that not even the Company has access to a member’s password. If a member uses a shared or a public PC, the member must take care that the password is not exposed. The Company recommends that you should Logout and close all active browsers when you are finished using the service.

The Company uses the Secured Socket Layer (SSL) security system to safely transfer Personal Information within the network by converting registration and login password into encrypted algorithm.

The Company’s server can be accessed only via authorized IP and Port. Accordingly, access to the Company’s server from external network outside of the Company is prohibited.

To prevent customer’s Personal Information being lost by hacking or other external intrusion, the system is installed in a controlled environment in which external access is blocked. The Company is continuously making technical and managerial efforts to improve security.

The Company allows only the minimum number of employees to handle members’ Personal Information, and has in place a procedure for accessing and managing such data.

Work transfer to and from Personal Information handling employees is conducted under strict secured environment, and the Company has clear regulations that defines the responsibility of handling Personal Information for all incoming and outgoing employees.

9. Personal Information Management Officer

The Company employees the following Personal Information Management Officer and personnel to protect the user’s Personal Information and handle related complaints.

* Personal Information Management Officer

Name: Minkyu Park

Dept/Position: Management Support/Director


* Personal Information Management Personnel

Name: Hyungkwang Kim

Dept/Position: Department Head

Phone Number: +82-2-501-7893

If you need to report Personal Information related complaints or require further assistance, please contact below agency.

* Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee

* Supreme Prosecutors’ Office Cyber Crime Center / +82-2-3480-3600

* National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center / +82-2-392-0330

If you have any questions or complaints regarding Personal Information while using the Company’s services, you can contact the Company’s Personal Information Management Officer or the Personal Information handling department. The Company will make best efforts to quickly and sincerely reply all your inquiries.

<Attachment>(Date) This Policy shall be in effect as of January 24, 2014.